Throughout history by wearing a certain stache or haircut, people were able to know about your social status or religious affiliation, this led us to create certain stereotypes about men. However, times have changed, and now we can freely choose how to give our facial hair different trendy styles based on how we feel or how we want to portray ourselves as. Here’s a list of what each style of facial hair says about you:
The clean shave
Maintaining a clean shave is just as bold as deciding to grow facial hair. Men that sport the clean face look want show off that they’re on top of things, and in control of all the aspects in their life, personally and professionally. Did you know that the average man will spend around 3,350 hours of his life shaving to keep that clean look? That’s almost 139 days worth of shaving.
The mustache
This is a tricky one. The 70’s gave the stache a bad reputation because it was associated with either a “porn stache” or “sexual-predator cop”. However, this notion has changed and now you can freely roam around with it. The man that wears this is usually a conversation starter and a free spirit guy, who doesn’t care if you read his stache as dodgy. This guy knows he has cool-kid, indie vibes and the ’stache simply bolsters his confidence.
The full beard
We see the guys with a full beard either as hipsters, college professors, or lumberjacks. He is most likely a creative person and/or enjoys being outdoors. This guy is comfortable in his own skin, although he most probably has a baby-face, and wants to look good without looking like him.
The goatee
Although it was very popular in the 90’s, you need to have an amazing bone structure to make it look good. Currently, it’s a look that is associated with the country and rural side. A guy with a goatee is either embracing the western style or working on growing something better or shaving it all off.
The neckbeard/ soul patch
It’s not the best look for anyone, to be honest. It can come across as hippy, and a little dirty. However, this is not synonymous with the guy that sports it. This guy is very laid back, yet very creative and visionary,but can be a caught, a little off-guard when considering important things, leading to a fear of commitment.
The stubble
Not as controlling as the clean shave but not as chill as the full beard, the stubble represents a guy which is sophisticated, but has a play-it-cool attitude. It has its tricks, as the stubble is meant to look intentionally un-groomed. This guy is surely a working professional, and has an eye for fashion; has a creative attitude, and is too busy to spend all those hours on maintaining the clean slate.
Like the soul patch, it’s not the best look for many people. Men who decide to keep their sideburns are typically very nostalgic and have a tendency of being a throwback-kid kind of guy. However, wearing this look requires a lot of confidence. So kudos to these men!
At the end of the day, it’s impossible to determine a person based solely on their facial hair, but, hey, these stereotypes exist for a reason. Did we described yours correctly?