Ah, the man cave. An oasis for men amidst the chaos of daily life, a place to escape from work, stress, and responsibilities.
But how should you make the perfect man cave? We’ve got a few man cave ideas to help you create your ideal escape.
Decide on a Budget
Before you do anything, get your budget sorted out, and this will guide you throughout the whole process. Man caves can be anything from a spare room with a TV and a PlayStation 4 to a fully equipped room worthy of a survival bunker.
If you have a basement, this is ideal, but any spare room (or even a shed) could work. It should be somewhere with enough space for everything you want—but be realistic about what you can achieve with the space and budget available.
Theme It
It’s not for everyone but choosing a theme for your man cave can help give you a sense of focus as you put the room together.
It could take a sports theme, or you might prefer retro, old-fashioned luxury, industrial, or modern. Take a look at other rooms in different styles to get some man cave inspiration.
Big Screen and Surround Sound
A decent screen is essential in your man cave. Whether you’re watching your team play, playing video games, or watching the latest blockbuster, a high-quality screen is a requirement. Or go one better and get yourself a projector.
And don’t forget about a decent surround sound system, which will make the experience a lot better.
Let the Games Begin
One thing nearly all man caves will have is a focus on games and entertainment. The man cave game room usually comes in the form of a pool table, foosball, and a gaming console to play on that big old TV you’ve got.
Some men like to add an arcade game for that retro feel. If you have space, a virtual reality area could be a great idea.
Bar or Fridge
A bar is the luxury option for those who can afford it. If you’ve got the budget, go for a full bar complete with beer on tap and stools. It’s the perfect place to entertain your friends.
Can’t go with the full bar option? A large fridge is a good backup option, where you can store your beers and keep them chilled, so they are always ready. You might even consider a specialist wine fridge for something more sophisticated.
Comfort Is Key
One thing you want your man cave to be above all else is comfortable, so make sure you prioritize comfort over everything else.
That means investing in some super-comfy chairs and sofas that are perfect for slouching back on. A few comfy gaming chairs will go down very well with your guests.
And don’t forget the air conditioning—if you and your friends spend a lot of time in the cave, it can heat up fast.
On the other end of the spectrum, a warm drink on a cold, rainy day can go a long way. Consider your choice of warm drinks. Ekön has your back with a selection of the best tea for men.
Break A Sweat
Drinking, relaxing, and gaming are fine, but sometimes you want a different kind of release. When it comes to blowing off steam and reducing stress, little compares to pumping iron.
If you’ve got the room, it may be worth investing in some free weights and machines. Even with a simple bench and bars you can get a lot of work done.
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Make It Your Own
As you can see, there are lots of ideas you can use to create your man cave. But the most important thing to keep in mind during the whole process is to make it your own.
Don’t feel forced to do something you don’t want to. Your man cave is your own space, and it should reflect your personality. So use the ideas here, but adapt them to your own needs, and you’ll soon have yourself the perfect escape you crave.